complain about
Not that I really ever witnesses anyone make a negative comment and then come back to see if their claims were refuted, but for those who read this anew or do come back, there was a memorial skate park the recently broke ground in Pittsburgh a city with roughly the same demographics as Ann Arbor. Part of their research was a police study done by the Tony Hawk foundation that covered 102 police officers in 37 states. Here is a link to the findings in that study:Overall, the study found that there was no significant increase in the crimes most people associate with skate boarding drug use, assault, robberies, vandalism and in some cases, decreased crime. You didn't have to be so fucking rude. I cheap nfl jerseys can take a hint. You really hurt my feelings.. Sure, it's the upper level, but you're still in the park, soaking up the atmosphere, root root rooting for the home team, and not caring if you ever get back. The same basic offer, if you're unlucky enough to be a ...